Monthly option for our Masterclasses 🤑

Allowing you to only pay for the months you need!

At Primrose Kitten Academy, we're always listening to what you need, and one request has been coming up time and time again: a pay monthly option for our Masterclasses. Well, we’re thrilled to announce that it's finally here! 🎊

We understand that for some students and families, paying for a full subscription upfront wasn’t always ideal, and flexibility is key, especially when balancing other financial commitments. While we’ve always strived to make our Masterclasses as accessible as possible, adding a monthly payment option wasn’t as simple as flicking a switch. But after navigating a few technical hurdles, we’ve made it happen—and we’re excited to share all the details with you! 💡

There are 3 options and the longer you subscribe the better the discount!

If you’ve been following our Masterclasses for a while, you’ll know that we originally offered single payment options for our courses. There were a few reasons behind this decision, and while I’m excited about offering monthly payments now, I want to explain why we started with the one-off approach:

Fairness for Students: I always aim to do what’s best for you, and upfront payments were the fairest option I could offer. With one payment, there’s no risk of overpaying, and you have access to the whole course for as long as you need it.

Encouraging Early Start and Commitment: I really want students to start early and use the full length of the subscription to prepare for their exams. The longer subscription is designed to give you more time to fully understand the content, reducing last-minute stress and increasing the chances of success. With monthly payments, some students might be tempted to sign up late and miss out on key lessons.

Best Value for Money: With an upfront payment, I could offer generous discounts for longer subscriptions, meaning you save money in the long run. When spread over several months, a full subscription works out much cheaper than paying monthly. I want you to have the best value, and offering the whole course upfront allows me to keep prices low.

No Worry About Forgotten Subscriptions: Let’s be honest—we’ve all forgotten to cancel a subscription at some point. I hate the idea of students paying for months they don’t need because they forgot to cancel! With one-off payments, there’s no risk of being charged for extra months or services you don’t use.

So, after a lot of feedback from you and figuring out the technical side, we’re now able to offer a pay monthly option for our Masterclasses. This gives you the flexibility to pay for the months you need, which can be super helpful if you want to focus your studies in shorter bursts.

Flexible Monthly Payments: You can now choose to pay for our Masterclasses on a month-by-month basis, allowing you to only pay for the months you need. This is perfect if you're looking to dip in and out of the course or focus on specific topics in certain months.

Short-Term Focus: If you’re only looking for a few months of intensive revision, then this option is great! You can pick the months leading up to your exams or the times when you feel you’ll benefit from extra support.

Best for Long-Term Commitment: If you’re planning to study for the whole academic year or want plenty of time to master the material, the longer subscriptions will still work out cheaper and give you the most value overall. Plus, you can get those helpful discounts!

No More Subscription Forgetting: If you tend to forget about cancelling subscriptions (guilty 🙋), it might be worth sticking to the upfront option. With a one-time payment, you won’t need to worry about forgetting and accidentally paying for months you no longer need.